
Datastores. SQLDataStore

A general purpose datastore that uses an SQL server as backend.

This datastore registers as the type "sql".

Feature Remark
Property Lengths Max 64KB string length
Concept Instances Max 4294967295 total (including deleted ones)
Properties No specific limit on number of named properties per concept as long as their names are shorter than 62 chars


  • Searching for strings that "equals"/"startWith" is really fast
  • Good at combining multiple search requirements
  • Creating instances and setting properties is fairly fast if no reads are performed in-between


  • "serverURL" - The URL to the server on the form "ws(s)://yourserver/sql". Note that secure websockets (wss) may be required on some sites.
  • "storageName" - The name of the data bucket you intend to use


new SQLDataStore()


Adding the datastore

  "dataStoreds": { 
     "myDataStore": {
         "type": "sql", 
         "options": {
             "storageName": "mybucketname"