
ContextActions. NewAction

An action "new" that creates a new concept, optionally setting properties on it as well. Runs in bulk mode unless 'forEach: true' is set. In bulk mode only 1 new concept is created, else 1 new would be created for every currently selected concept. 'select: false' is not supported in bulk mode ('forEach: false')


new NewAction()

     "new": {
         "concept": "myConcept",
         "with": {
             "myFirstProperty": "someValue",
             "mySecondProperty": false
             "myThirdProperty": "$myVariableName"
//Run in non-bulk mode, creates 1 "myConcept" for each currently selected concept
     "new": {
         "concept": "myConcept",
         "forEach": true
//Same as other example, but don't change the current selection, which means that the newly created concept is only passed along as a variable
     "new": {
         "concept": "myConcept",
         "with": {
             "myFirstProperty": "someValue",
             "mySecondProperty": false
             "myThirdProperty": "$myVariableName"
         "as": "myVariableName",
         "select": false